Who is your WordPress Training Instructor?
Hi, I’m Tim Spencer. I have been building websites using WordPress since 2004 (not long after WordPress was first released). I have also been providing WordPress training to business owners, Colleges, Universities and individuals for over 15 years. Over the years I have witnessed many changes in WordPress and each year it has gotten easier and easier for non-developers to use for multiple kinds of website. Having trained hundreds of business owners and their staff, I have witnessed many website owners complaining about bad developers and bad practices, so I have tailored the training to help you understand those bad practices and avoid them.
In 2015 I began a journey of personal development. Having gone through a tough period in life, I needed change! I first discovered Firewalking, yes walking over hot coals with bare feet and without getting burnt! That lead me to becoming a Firewalking instructor, so along side building websites and WordPress training I would support others through charity and corporate firewalking events. I also became a part of a team training other Firewalking Instructors.
That lead me to wanting to learn more about Psychology and ways to help others improve their mental health. So I studied Modern Applied Psychology, Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP), I trained as a Hypnotherapist, an Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) Practitioner, Mental Health First Aider, Life Coach and several other modalities for change.
And with all that knowledge, not only did it help change the person I was to how I am today, it also allows me to help people with their mental health and I can use it to build websites that are persuasive in turning visitors into paying clients.
Prior to getting into WordPress I was an Electronics Test Engineer and Software Test Engineer for companies such as BAE Systems and Rolls-Royce.